Naeem Mohaiemen

Born 1969 | London
Lives New York. Works New York and Dhaka

Naeem Mohaiemen researches the many forms of utopia-dystopia, beginning with two key postcolonial markers for Bangladesh: the partition of Bengal in 1947 and the splitting of Pakistan in 1971. Consistent strands running through his projects are the family unit as locus for pain and beauty; abandoned buildings as staging grounds for lost souls; and the necessity of small prevarications to keep on living. In Jole Dobe Na (Those Who Do Not Drown) 2020, an homage to the baroque laments in the films of Ritwik Ghatak, an Indian couple roam an abandoned hospital in Kolkata hoping for ‘one last replay’ of the moment before death. Scenes in a subtly discriminatory office and vacant operating theatre are punctuated by readings from Syed Mujtaba Ali’s stories of Europe between the world wars. The man’s mind is on a loop of the last months of his wife’s life, when a quiet argument developed. When is the end of pharma-medical care, whose life is it anyway?

Screening Schedule
(2023. 4. 7 -7. 9) duration: 64 min
Closing at 17:50

Naeem Mohaiemen, Jole Dobe Na (Those Who Do Not Drown) 2020. Film. 64 mins. Courtesy the artist and, Commissioned by Yokohama Triennale and Bildmuseet Umeå. Film still. Image courtesy the artist