Christine Sun Kim

Born 1980 | Orange County
Lives and works Berlin

Christine Sun Kim’s practice is rooted in the social dimension of sound. Every Life Signs 2022, presented at the 14th Gwangju Biennale, is a project that engages with the ways in which number is counted in American Sign Language. In the language, subtle variations in the speaker’s gestures change the meaning of the numerical concepts delivered, such as frequency, time, and age. The associations between the bodily gestures and their connotations are visualised in Every Life Signs through the animated hand signs being projected onto the floor, on which the corresponding concepts are also inscribed. By spatially reconfiguring a language that is not familiar to many viewers, the installation provides an alternative means of experiencing how meanings are communicated.

Christine Sun Kim, Every Life Signs 2022. Four-channel video installation. 1 min. Courtesy the artist, François Ghebaly Gallery and White Space. Detail, 14th Gwangju Biennale (2023). Image courtesy Gwangju Biennale Foundation. Photo: glimworkers